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Remembering 911. We will always remember.......!

It's a somber day today....September 11, 2016. It's so hard to believe that it's been fifteen years since that horrific morning of September 11, 2001. I can still remember where I was when I first heard the news. I was driving down the 880 freeway headed back home to Berkeley, California from my parents home in San Jose to get ready for school the next day. I had just called my roommate to let her know I was on my way back home and that's when she told me the news. "Are you seeing this stuff on the news?" she said. "What stuff?" I asked. "Someone flew two planes into the twin towers!!!!" "What???" I said....My draw dropped and I began to cry.

It was a sad day for the US that day and our hearts still cry for the fallen and the many families forever changed. Our country has seen some bitter days. Our pain and loss at times have seemed unbearable but we have endured and our resilience remains strong. God only knows what our future holds but what we do know is that God holds our future in is his hands and we will remain hopeful and unmoved. These times of reflection compel us to be grateful for what we have, to appreciate the families we love and reminds us to never take our lives for granted.

Today we remember our fallen fellow Americans.

Today we remember you!

You will always remain in our hearts.

We will always remember you!

w/ Love,

Bermesola M Dyer

Bermesola M Dyer


for your...


Mind  â€¢  Body  â€¢  Soul


Love God  â€¢  Love Self  â€¢  Love Others


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Bermesola M Dyer

Author / Motivational & Inspirational Speaker

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