My Black is Beautiful! It’s A Family Affair-Movie Night with the Black Panther!
As we wrap up Black History Month I wanted to share a couple of photos my family took after watching The Black Panther Movie during...
Black History Month-Interesting Fact of the Week: Who were the Harlem Hell-fighters?
Every year in February we take time  to  recognize and celebrate the contributions African Americans have made to our country and around...
Winter Is Coming...or Is it Already Here?
These past few weeks have certainly given us cause for concern. Between Hurricane Harvey devastating the city of Houston, Hurricanes Irma...
It's All About Perspective!
Last year I decided to accept an assignment overseas with the hopes of seeing another country and being able to live out different life...
Has Memorial Day Become a Distant Memory?
This past Monday I had the opportunity to attend my first military Memorial Day service. It was held in a cemetery where many veterans...
Staying the Course: Five Tips to Help You Reach Your 2017 Goals.
It’s hard to believe that we are already six months into the year 2017. Where has the time gone and why has it gone so fast? At the...
How Much "Stuff" is Too Much?
Now godliness with contentment is great gain. For we brought nothing into this world, and it is certain[a] we can carry nothing out. And...
The Art of Taking One Day at a time...
Several days ago a girlfriend and I had an insightful conversation. We talked about life, love, careers and the fact that we were no...
A House Divided Will Fall...
Americans of every race and gender have fought tirelessly throughout the nation's inception to achieve equality and appreciation for the...
Happy New Year!!!
It's a new dawn, it's a new day and I'm so grateful to have made it to another year! At the end of each year I like taking time to...