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The Art of Taking One Day at a time...

Several days ago a girlfriend and I had an insightful conversation. We talked about life, love, careers and the fact that we were no longer children. We talked about how fast four decades went as we are now riding along the cusps of our forties. Although we both envisioned our lives turning out a little differently (ie. married with two and a half kids, a dog and a house with a white picket fence) life still has been good to us. We’ve got our health, love from our families and friends, successful careers and money in our bank accounts. We’ve been able to travel, vacation and come and go as we please.

What more could a girl want? Interestingly enough we both laughed and said, we could always have more. More money, more clothes, nicer/newer cars, and of course a lovely man standing by our sides.

Back when I was around ten years old I dreamed about becoming a teenager, being in high school, and going to the prom. “If I could only get to high school my life would be set,” so I thought! Then when I got to high school I remember thinking, "I can’t wait to graduate so I can go to college because that’s when my life would really begin!" When I finally got to college I remember thinking, “college is cool and all but I’m tired of being broke, I can’t wait to graduate so I can get a real job and make lots of money! I would buy all of the clothes and shoes I wanted, a really nice car and rent my very own little apartment!!” Aaaah…. life would be good! Once I finally got all of that I soon began dreaming about buying a house and then a Yacht and then a vacation home. I would have everything I wanted If I could just live the American Dream!!

Are you starting to notice a trend here? Can you relate? How many of us spend our whole lives chasing dreams only to find that once we finally reach those goals our affections are immediately shifted towards getting the next “big thing!” What is it about us humans that causes us to constantly look to the future instead of appreciating what we have right now? There are no guarantees that tomorrow will come and we don’t know what surprises it may bring good or bad. What we do know is that each day we have is a gift to be lived in the moment for as long as we can.

While telling a parable, Jesus reminded his disciples to take one day at a time,

“Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.” Matthew 6:34.

The Bible urges us to embrace today, smell the roses and find contentment in the present. The next time you catch yourself thinking more about the future than the present remember that where you are right now is exactly where you need to be. While you are walking the path to where you are going I challenge you to enjoy where you are right now!


Bermesola M Dyer


for your...


Mind  •  Body  •  Soul

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