It's Election Time But No Matter What Happens....
It's just one day before the election and tension is running high! News stations, political consultants, party pundits and critics alike...

Remembering 911. We will always remember.......!
It's a somber day today....September 11, 2016. It's so hard to believe that it's been fifteen years since that horrific morning of...

Happy New Year
Happy New Year! It's hard to believe another new year is here. The time seems to zoom by faster and faster each year! I took a hiatus...

Motivational Monday: Five Valuable Lessons to Take Into the New Year
Happy New Year!!! Like many people, at the end of each year I like to reflect on my accomplishments, goals achieved, bad decisions made,...
Motivational Monday: God Has Not Forgotten About You!
Are you feeling a little discouraged today? It's been a rough start of the month for me but I'm still hopeful that things will get...
Motivational Monday...."It's never to late to reach your dreams!"
Had to pass this quote on. "It is never to late to be what you might have been."-George Elliot. Food for thought.....Don't ever give up...

Understanding Why the Caged Bird Sings-Repost and Special Tribute to Maya Angelou!
"A bird doesn’t sing because it has an answer. It sings because it has a song." Maya Angelou Some time ago, a dear friend shared...

It's Memorial Day.....I will remember you!
As long as we have memories, yesterday remains. As long as we have hope, tomorrow waits. As long as we have love, today is...
Don't let anyone tell you..."You Can't!"....... Reach For Your Dreams!!
A friend of mine recently shared this video of Jill Scott receiving her Honorary Doctorate Degree from Temple University. Her speech was...
Motivational Monday: "Look Up And Smell The Aroma Of Life"
A friend of mine passed this thought provoking video on to me and it touched me to the core, so I decided to share it with you. I won't...